Each week provides a unique creative experience for all children ages 7 - 13. We make our own unique art as we learn about artists and their techniques. Experiences include visual arts, culinary arts, movement and music, theater, and writing with a caring group of expert instructors who love to teach. Thursdays / 4:15 - 5:30 pm / $17.50 per class, $150 for 10 classes Jan. 9 / Mini Mark Rothko – A Colorful Exploration Jan. 16 / The Marble Painting Project Jan. 23 / Turn Fabric into Bowls! Jan. 30 / Animal Face Collage & Visit Animals in Art Exhibition Feb. 6 / Printmaking Feb. 13 / Valentine’s Day Love Catchers Feb. 20 / Mini Culinary Clay Day I of II. (3/6 day II) Feb. 27 / Fantastical Tree Sculptures Mar. 6 / Mini Culinary Clay Day II. Glazing your Feast! Mar. 13 / Gustav Klimt Inspired Painting, Hiding in the Flowers Mar. 20 / Mini Mosaics & Learn about John Pratt’s Mosaic House Mar. 27 / The Perspectives of Piet Mondrian Apr. 3 / SPRING BREAK! Apr. 10 / Bird in a String Cage (Day I of II) Apr. 17 / Bird in a String Cage (Day II of II) Apr. 24 / Weaving in the Round! Make a Shell for Turtle May 1 / NO CLASS TODAY! May 8 / Mother’s Day Peek-A-Boo Collage House May 15 / Embroidery Hoopla! May 22 / Charles McGee Relief Sculpture May 29 / Monet’s Water Lilly Study with Wax Resist