We would like to welcome everyone to the Midland Gymnastics Training Center, "Where Your Child Matters The Most." It is through the continuing support of our students and their families that enables us to be the premier gymnastics training facility in the Great Lakes Bay Region.
Our Mission is to impact children's lives through sports. We believe in building character, commitment, confidence, happy and responsible young adults and children.
Our commitment to kids is unparalleled. It is our privilege to have the opportunity to work with your child. Our staff is selected on their ability to interact and communicate with children. Continuing education, certification and workshop participation assure the quality programming you have grown to expect. With passion, energy, and enthusiasm we provide a positive, fun and nurturing learning environment for your child. It is these attributes that make MGTC a respected name in gymnastics.
We offer many different programs for Girls and Boys of all ages and levels at MGTC. Aside from our gymnastics classes we offer Cheerleading Programs; Tumbling classes; and special programs for Home-School, Scouts and Child Care Centers.
We are excited about your family becoming a part of ours!
Sincerely, Jim & Lori Comiskey - Owners