901 Saginaw Street Bay City, Michigan
The Downtown Development Authority district is located on the east side of the Saginaw River bounded by Woodside Avenue on the north, Madison Avenue on the east, Columbus Avenue on the south and the Saginaw River on the west. The Board of Directors is a 13-member body with the Mayor serving in an ex-officio capacity. The authority focuses on "bricks and mortar" public enhancement projects enhancement projects to accomplish the following objectives: -Improve the convenience and attractiveness of downtown Bay City to encourage additional private investment and development. -Encourage and participate in historic preservation projects. -Manage the downtown public parking system and facilities. -Capture a 2-mill levy from the ad valorem to complete projects. Our office hours are: Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. EST
901 Saginaw Street Bay City, Michigan